Dear Readers, The Council of Conservative Citizens, is not getting enough credit for their hand in the tragic and deeply mourned AME Church shooting. Click below for:
Where Dylan Roof Got Some of His News and Inflamed Opinion
We need to stand up to the NRA, the National Gun Lobby, and it's an issue seemingly only a Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren could tackle. Hillary has been conferring with Elizabeth, we hear. That's a smart move!
Anyway, This is not the War on Christmas or just someone's mental illness and this is not about video games. This had a lot to do with news outlets, like the Southern Conservative Politicians, twisting the facts to make inflammatory statements about black people, i.e, that they rape our women and are taking over our country." People like Dylan Roof got very wrong-headed ideas.
(Do you remember when one of Sarah Palin's logos was a gun target and Gabby Giffords(D-AZ) got shot? That is the AO definition of "Inflammatory".)
That is by no means to say we can write this horrific event off to "The South" either! It neither helps, nor is it fair to the South. Racism exists in the North as well.
A lot of people are saying Dylan is a man, and legally yes. He should stand trial. But mentally? No. The brain is not fully formed at 21 years old. But the Council of Conservative Citizens would like to help form it. They're just not getting enough credit.
Update: President of the CCC is a Big Donor to Republican Candidates
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