Made you look? That's the New Whitney building on Gansevoort St. in Manhattan.
Anyway, The Daily Skimm newsletter is not all I read but it's an important part of the news for me. Four years old, it suddenly published this guide today(please copy and paste):
Voting can be difficult in some states these days. This feels like a handy guide. I looked up.what the form read for the states of Florida(trouble in 2000) and Ohio(trouble in 2004) and I think it looks good. Find yours if you need to!
Sorry I can't make links live anymore on this blog. Thanks you're a real free-speech, FOIA liberal:/ I'm not sure it registered me, but I found out my deadlines!
(We just got postcards in the mail that we couldn't vote because we had not filled out the Census, but we never got the Census. So I felt like "Whaaaa?"
Here's something else. Yesterday in the NY Times, although it's great that TX, NC and WI have been brought to justice by federal court, nevertheless in some small counties and towns anti-minority voter intimidation was attempted and worked, unfortunately
(please copy and paste) but(from The Daily Show 8-18-16): Baltimore Police making a black woman take all her clothes off for a broken tail-light was somatically worse and I'm convinced that what happened next was rape! Trevor Noah reports that they had "Black Male" pre-written in all their arrest forms, etc. Now please see:
That is a formidable 7/31/16 article. Let's watch this! And protest to those leaders.
Historical Footnote: It was discovered later that Nixon's War on Drugs specifically targeted both blacks and hippies: "Let's see....What do they both have in common?"
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